Glass of Wine June 2019


소믈리에를 초청한 와인 시음, 특별한 선물, 미술 전시, 문화 공연 및 다양한 프로그램이 준비되어 있습니다.
6월 21일까지 이메일 및 전화 ( / +420 774 915 727)로 RSVP해주시길 바랍니다.
한국과 체코 양국의 원활한 협력 및 친목을 위해 이벤트에서 꼭 뵙기를 기대합니다.


We are, as every year, hosting a „Glass of Wine“ event for our members, sponsors, individuals from the area of Czech-Korean relations and designated few. This event is focused on networking and we would gladly welcome some new faces, so if you, or anyone you know, from the field of Czech-Korean business relations /and other similar areas/, are interested to participate in this event, preferably English/Korean speakers or Koreans, so we can share a language and also interest in Czech and Korean cooperation, please contact us at


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